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This site is committed to sharing the hidden history of plant life that can be instrumental in supporting cancer victims. Cancerbush – Known as Kankerboos has been reported to have been used for a variety of ailments and may assist in supporting cancer victims.

The use of the leaves may assist the following conditions………

What is interesting is the fact that every one of us has cancer, the question is. “How much of it do we have”? The objective of this site is to educate all visitors on this disease, it is not our intention to castigate the current conventional methods offered to the general public.

What we are not told is that cancer does not have to be terminal, we are not told that there are many complementary healing methods that have the ability to reverse cancer. one big secret we do not hear is that the cancer industry is BIG business and there are those who don’t want to kill the cash cow.

When visiting the doctor and you are told you have cancer, you have literally been given a death sentence; you then go into shock everything from that moment fails to register in the brain computer


Dr. Paracelsus (1493 – 1541) stated “ It should be forbidden and severely punished, to remove cancer by cutting, burning, cautery, and any other fiendish tortures, it is from nature that diseases arises and from nature comes the cure”.

Professor John Cairns of Harvard University School of public health wrote an article for Scientific American - November 1985 he states “The majority of cancers cannot be cured by radiation because the dose of the X -rays required to kill cancer cells would also kill the patient.

Dr Allen Levin author of The Healing of Cancer wrote “Many cancer patients die of chemotherapy, chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon or lung cancer, this fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumours”.

Steven Ransom author of Death by Doctoring wrote “Chemotherapy is an invasive & toxic treatment used supposedly to eliminate cancer cells, unfortunately its ferocious chemistry is not able to differentiate between the cancerous cell and healthy cell and the healthy cell and surrounding tissue, put simply chemotherapy is an intravenously administered poison that kills all living matter, repeated radiation & chemotherapy treatments kill the whole body by degrees.

The use of medicinal preparations from the leaves has been recorded for the following conditions:
* Cancer,
* Anxiety,
* Arthritis,
* Asthma,
* Backache,
* Chronic fatigue syndrome,
* Depression,
* Diabetes (type 2) Edema,
* High fever,
* Gastric ailments,
* Heartburn,
* Hot flushes,
* Hypertension,
* Influenza,
* ME,
* Peptic ulcer,
* Rheumatism,
* Rheumatoid arthritis,
* Viral hepatitis,
* Gonorrhoea,
* Syphilis,

Wasting from cancer, TB and AIDS and Mental depression and Lupus, Hemorrhoids/Piles and Clamidia It has always been used as an appetite stimulant for people wasted by disease though it does not stimulate the appetite of healthy people, The cancer bush, like many wild African plants, is being driven to extinction by the threat of aliens from Australia. o extinction by the threat of aliens from Australia.

The Black Wattle, in particular, seems to be taking over the African bush. Cancerbush is known among the Sotho culture as 'motlepelo' meaning 'bringing back the heart' - a traditional treatment used by the Sotho for emotional shock and stress.

An infusion of cancerbush was also given to Zulu warriors returning from battle 'to take the war out' - as a calming tea. In addition for the calming effects on the central nervous system, cancerbush has been used throughout its natural distribution in the prevention and treatment of various illnesses.

Cancerbush contains canavanine is rich in amino acids and has small amounts of saponins.
No alkaloids are present.




Cancer bush

The use of medicinal properties of this bush has been recorded for assisting the following conditions: Cancer, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Backache, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Depression, Diabetes (type 2) odema, fever, Gastric ailments, Heartburn, Hot flushes, Hypertension, Influenza, ME, Peptic ulcer, Rheumatism, Rheumatoid arthritis, Viral hepatitis, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Wasting from cancer, TB and AIDS and Mental depression, swine flu, & HIV/AID.


Coral Calcium

Neutralizes acid growth and harmonizes the alkalinity of our bodies assuring that cell health is maintained by controlling the acidity that we introduce into bodies by consuming too much acidic foods and consumed pollutants. Coral calcium is super rich in natural calcium. Takes 2 capsules (1 Morning and 1 Evening )



By cleansing the bloodstream removing excess sugar from the body, this action must be followed through for 7 days, then the capsules are taken, the capsules creates bitterness in the blood and as mosquitoes hate bitter, the likelihood of being attacked in greatly reduced, hence if mosquitoes cant detect sweet blood they will go elsewhere. (Taken as instructed on label) 1 packet of Blood Cleanser plus 60 Malaria Caps


Period Pain

Brain Food

Heart Food

Artery Flush

Parasite Cleanser

Tumour control


Natural thyroid


Red Reishi


Moringa Green






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Tel : + 44 208 993 4870 / 07943 144 544 

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